Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 3rd & 4th October 2015

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Liberisliber Prizes 2015

The Liberisliber Prizes aim to acknowledge the heroic task carried out every day by independent publishers, something only understandable through its boundless devotion to literature, the art of publishing and knowledge. That is why each year the fair organizers choose five titles which, according to the jury of the corresponding year, meet the values governing the fair itself, namely, the quality, the heterodoxy, the courage and the ability to combine all the former with that of reaching the widest possible audience. The prizes are distributed in five categories:

To find out more about the previously awarded books, check the historical winners’ list.

Apart from these prizes committed to books already published, Liberisliber supports a different prize for authors who have never been published before: the Francesc Garriga Poetry Prize (unpublished authors).

Liberisliber Prize 2015 Longlist (Fiction)

Jury chaired by Lluïsa Marín , Josep Pujol , Carlos Terrón , graduated in a wide range of very different disciplines.

Los desafortunados

Laurus novilis
2015 Liberisliber Narrativa Prize
Raig Verd
Los desafortunados

La quarta paret

La quarta paret
  • Sorj Chalandon (author)
    Josep Alemany (translation)
  • 304 p.
  • Catalan

Llibre d'Emma

3 i 4
Llibre d'Emma
  • Marie Célie Agnant (author)
  • 148 p.
  • Catalan

Unes quantes coses boniques

Unes quantes coses boniques
  • Xuan Bello (author)
    Jordi Raventós (translation)
  • 120 p.
  • Catalan

Vell País Natal

Vell País Natal
  • Misael Alerm (author)
  • 64 p.
  • Catalan

Ser h(u)ome*∞(à)

Ser h(u)ome*∞(à)
  • Ian Bermúdez Raventós (author)
  • 64 p.
  • Catalan

Entrades exhaurides. Històries de desamor quotidià i altres psicopaties

Entrades exhaurides. Històries de desamor quotidià i altres psicopaties

Mestre de disfresses

Cafè Central
Mestre de disfresses
  • Charles Simic (author)
    Marta Pera (translation)
  • 112 p.
  • Catalan

Apunts inútils

Apunts inútils

Jamás me verá nadie en un ring - De boxeador a literato

Jamás me verá nadie en un ring - De boxeador a literato
  • Pedro Roca (author)
    Julià Guillamon (author)
  • 284 p.
  • Spanish

Variacions Goldberg

Variacions Goldberg
  • Antoni Ferrer (author)
  • 88 p.
  • Catalan

Primavera a París

Primavera a París
  • Marta Mitjans (author)
  • 80 p.
  • Catalan


  • Mònica Miró Vinaixa (edited by)
  • 101 p.
  • Catalan

La mirada de l'auriga

La mirada de l'auriga
  • Lluís Busquets Grabulosa (author)
  • 180 p.
  • Catalan

Tantas mentiras

Jekyll & Jill
Tantas mentiras
  • Paco Inclán (author)
    Víctor Coyote (illustration)
  • 176 p.
  • Spanish

Balanç d'existències

Balanç d'existències
  • Joan Dolç (author)
  • 181 p.
  • Catalan

Formentera lady

Formentera lady
  • Jordi Cussà (author)
  • 404 p.
  • Catalan

Jo sóc l’estranger (poemes de revolta i d’exili)

Jo sóc l’estranger (poemes de revolta i d’exili)
  • Salem Zenia (author)
    Carles Castellanos (translation)
    Rocío Rodríguez (illustration)
  • 128 p.
  • Catalan

La setena vida de Kaspar Schwarz

Males Herbes
La setena vida de Kaspar Schwarz
  • Carles Pradas (author)
  • 151 p.
  • Catalan

La trampa

La trampa
  • Teresa Juvé (author)
  • 224 p.
  • Catalan

La metamorfosis

La metamorfosis
  • Franz Kafka (author)
    Jaume Creus (translation)
    Isabel Hernández (translation)
    Antonio Santos (illustration)
  • 152 p.
  • Catalan

Max i Odile, raó i passió

Max i Odile, raó i passió
  • Antoni Lloret (author)
  • 232 p.
  • Catalan

Antología de poetas brasileños actuales

Paralelo Sur
Antología de poetas brasileños actuales
  • Miguel Cabelo (translation)
  • 336 p.
  • Spanish

Contes drolàtics

Contes drolàtics
  • Honoré de Balzac (author)
    Jaume Ortolà (translation)
  • 526 p.
  • Catalan

Nosotros H

Nosotros H
  • Ignacio Ferrando (author)
  • 180 p.
  • Spanish

El curt estiu de l'anarquia. La vida i la mort de Buenaventura Durruti

El curt estiu de l'anarquia. La vida i la mort de Buenaventura Durruti
  • Hans Magnus Enzensberger (author)
  • 328 p.
  • Catalan

Liberisliber "Xic" Prize 2015 (*** Children’s Books and Young Adult Fiction)

Jury chaired by * LLIBRES AL REPLÀ.

Diari del tot verídic d’un indi a mitja jornada

Laurus novilis
2015 Liberisliber Xic Prize
Diari del tot verídic d’un indi a mitja jornada
  • Sherman Alexie (author)
    Yannick Garcia (translation)
    Ellen Forney (illustration)
  • 240 p.
  • Catalan

Joeliki. Les aventures d'un ciberpirata

3 i 4
Joeliki. Les aventures d'un ciberpirata
  • Abraham Carreiro (author)
  • 108 p.
  • Catalan

El meu fill princesa

El meu fill princesa
  • Cheryl Kilodavis (author)
    Suzanne DeSimone (illustration)
  • 32 p.
  • Catalan

Un món de mares fantàstiques

Un món de mares fantàstiques

El mirall d'Àfrica

El mirall d'Àfrica
  • Edgar Juan (author)
    Dolors Todolí (illustration)
  • 24 p.
  • Catalan

Ets pols d'estrelles

Ets pols d'estrelles
  • Elin Kelsey (author)
    Soyeon Kim (illustration)
  • 32 p.
  • Catalan

Un pòdium irrepetible

Un pòdium irrepetible
  • Georgina Esteva (author)
    Montse Buñuel (illustration)
  • 220 p.
  • Catalan

Flautista d'Hamelin

Flautista d'Hamelin
  • Germans Grimm (authors)
  • 32 p.
  • Catalan

El llibre negre dels colors

Libros del Zorro Rojo
El llibre negre dels colors
  • Menena Cottin (author)
    Rosana Faría (author)
  • 24 p.
  • Catalan

El libro de las narices

El libro de las narices
  • Pepe Serrano (author)
    David Guirao (illustration)
  • 96 p.
  • Spanish

Hermanito y hermanita

Hermanito y hermanita
  • Germans Grimm (authors)
    Isabel Hernández (translation)
    Noemí Villamuza (illustration)
  • 176 p.
  • Spanish

Cartes d'amor de 0 a 10

Cartes d'amor de 0 a 10
  • Susie Morgenstern (author)
    Jordi Vidal (translation)
  • 168 p.
  • Catalan

Inventari de contes

Piscina un petit oceà
Inventari de contes
  • Joan Mitjons (author)
    Júlio Aliau (illustration)
  • 60 p.
  • Catalan

L’Otto és un rinoceront

Sushi Books
L’Otto és un rinoceront
  • Ole Lund Kirkegaard (author)
    Aina Huguet (translation)
    Esteve Valls (translation)
  • 104 p.
  • Catalan

Liberisliber Prizes - Historical Winner’s List

		Liberisliber Prizes - Historical Winner’s List

Check out all the books awarded with a Liberisliber Prize throughout the years .

2024 Francesc Garriga Poetry Prize

Francesc Garriga

The publishing houses LaBreu, Buc, AdiA and Cafè Central, under the patronage of Liberisliber, announce together the Francesc Garriga Poetry Prize, with the aim of paying tribute to our friend and poet. The award is open to all poets who have never been published before. The winner will be publicly announced during the month of October, as part of Liberisliber programme.

Click here for further information about Francesc Garriga’s biography .


Only poets who have not published any book (according to ISBN records) before the closing of this announcement and who write in Catalan (no age limit) are eligible for this award. Click on this link to read the other conditions of entry.

Francesc Garriga Poetry Prize - Winners’ List

Tota flor sense cossiol

Laurus novilis
2020 Francesc Garriga Prize
Edicions del Buc
Tota flor sense cossiol

Tanta gana

Laurus novilis
2018 Francesc Garriga Prize
Cafè Central
Tanta gana

Sostre de carn

Laurus novilis
2017 Francesc Garriga Prize
Sostre de carn