Besalú 5th & 6th October 2024

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-10 %

Nørdicalibros was founded in 2006 with the intention of being the reference publisher in Spain of the different literatures of the Nordic countries. In our catalog, both classic and less known authors have appeared, chosen by its literary quality. We want to publish the fundamental works of these countries, some of them published before in Spain, but currently disappeared from catalogs due to commercial criteria. We are aware of the fundamental contribution of Nordic authors to universal literature and for that reason we will try, to the best of our ability, to choose titles according to criteria of literary excellence rather than their profitability in economic terms.

In addition to our interest in Nordic literature, reflected in the colecciónletrasnördicas, there are other collections in our catalog: colecciónilustrados, which is a firm commitment to something that we missed in the Spanish publishing world: illustrated books for adults; the third collection is colecciónotraslatitudes, dedicated to recover fundamental texts of world literature. We also created colecciónsoñandociudades and colecciónminilecturas, and most recently, nørdicacómic, nørdicainfantil, and nørdicateatro.

We edit all our books with the utmost care. We believe that the contribution of new technologies should not entail the loss of trades that make books the greatest items of cultural transmission, both for their content and presence. We have been pioneers in the production of booktrailers and are present on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as in YouTube. We pay special attention to the selection of texts and translations, but also to their rigorous proofreading, and to the selection of the most adequate papers and fonts (in terms of readability and beauty), as well as of the best bindings, which will ensure the preservation of our books. And though we are passionate about paper, our books are also available as e-books, and some titles in audiobook format.

* 10 % discount in the books presented at the fair.

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  • Location: Madrid
  • Phone: +34 917 055 057
  • E-mail:
  • Website:
  • Cultivated literary genres:
    • Fiction
    • Non-Fiction
    • Children’s Books and Young Adult Fiction
    • Poetry and Art
  • Editing languages: Catalan, Spanish
  • Number of years participating in the fair: 7