Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 4th & 5th October 2025

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The participants: FRANCESC GARRIGA - Sabadell, 1932 - Sant Cugat del Vallès , 2015


With a degree in German Philology, he taught in the humanities, mainly as a staff member of the Col·legi Sant Gregori in Barcelona.

In 1959 he published his first collection of poems, Entre el neguit i el silenci (Between Disquiet and Silence), which was followed by Paraules (Words, 1962) and Paraules cap al tard (Words Towards Evening, 1973). After these early works he did not publish again until 1990 when his Els colors de la nit (Colours of the Night) appeared. In 1991, he received the Vila de Vallirana-Josep M. López Picó Poetry Prize for Setembre (September 1992). Literary recognition came in his mature years during which he published most of his titles, which include Ombres (Shadows, 2000), Temps en blanc (Blank Time, 2003), La nit dels peixos (Night of the Fish, 2005), winner of the Golden Eglantine Prize in the 2004 “Jocs Florals” literary competition of Barcelona, and Camins de serp (Paths of the Snake, 2009). Ragtime (2011) was the winner of the 2012 Cavall Verd-Josep M. Llompart Prize. The same year, the collection Tornar és lluny (Coming Back Is Far, 2013) was awarded the prestigious Carles Riba Prize. In 2014 he published the anthology of poems Demà no és mai (Tomorrow Is Never) and, in 2015, the work Swing.

Francesc Garriga was editor of the Spanish edition of the magazine FMR in its early years (1989-2009), and wrote for this publication as an art critic. He took part in cultural prograaes for radio and television, among them Avisa’ns quan arribi el 2000 (1997-1999).

He died in Sant Cugat del Vallès on February 4th 2015. A year later, in tribute to the writer, the publishing houses AdiA, LaBreu and Cafè Central (with the support of LIBERISLIBER, Besalú’s Independent Publishers Book Fair) created the annual Francesc Garriga Poetry Prize for unpublished authors. In 2017, Edicions del Buc joined the group behind this initiative and LaBreu Edicions published his complete works, Cosmonauta.



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