He has written the playful essay Thomas Pynchon: un escritor sin orificios (Alpha Decay, 2010) and the novels Menos joven (2013) and Magistral (2016, Liberisliber Prize for Fiction), all published by Jekyll & Jill. Jack Green, Blake Butler, William March, Tom Robbins, Bruce Bégout and Laird Barron are some of the authors he has translated. One of those translations deserves special mention, it is Adrià Pujol’s El fill del corrector, which he has translated in an absolutely free way, insofar as to turning it into Arre, arre, corrector (Hurtado & Ortega, bilingual edition, 2018).
- Website: https://celinegrado.wordpress.com/
- Last updated: 2018-03-16
- Target languages: English ⇒ Spanish, French ⇒ Spanish

- Rubén Martín Giráldez (author)
- 104 p.
- Spanish
Edén, Edén, Edén

- Rubén Martín Giráldez (translation)
Rubén Martín Giráldez (epilogue) - 312 p.
- Spanish
Book signings:
- Saturday, October1st, 2016, 11.00 a.m. to 14.00 p.m. at the stand of the publisher Jekyll & Jill (books: Magistral)