Salvador Jàfer graduated in Modern Philology with a specialisation in French and Italian. Ever since then he fought to survive as a Catalan Philology teacher until he retired (in the Official School of Languages of Valencia). He tried to earn a PhD in satirical Valencian poetry of the 15th and 16th centuries, but some other urgencies claimed him, and the work remained half-finished. His work appeared with its own voice in L’esmorteïda estela de la platja [The dimmed star of the beach] (1975) and Lívius Diamant [Livius diamond] (1975). Then, a long silence until Els caçadors salvatges [The wild hunters] (1984) or Navegant obscur [Dark seafarer] (1987), among other titles. He has translated poetic texts by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Henri Michaux, Dino Campana, Fernando Pessoa, Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Wallace Stevens and Guido Cavalcanti.
- Last updated: 2020-11-02