Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 4th & 5th October 2025

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The participants: JOAN-CARLES MèLICH - Barcelona, 1961


Joan-Carles Mèlich is a PhD in Philosophy from the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, where he also teaches Philosophy of Education. Between his books, they emphasize Philosophy of the finitude (Herder), Ethics of the compassion (Herder) and Logic of the cruelty (Herder). For years he has been working on developing an "anthropological philosophy of finitude" in its various expressions: body, symbol, pleasure, alterity, memory, desire, contingency, silence and death. His latest publications are two small volumes of "Philosophical Fragments": Reading as a Prayer and The Prose of Life (both in Fragmenta Editorial) and two brief essays on "literary philosophy": L'experiència de la pèrdua and La condició vulnerable (published in Catalan in Arcàdia).

  • Last updated: 2018-08-31