Mercè Ibarz, Joan-Carles Mèlich and Clàudia Pagès > Nulla cultura sine politica. How is thinking politically committed nowadays?

Coordinated by: Xavier Bassas
Culture is institutionally dominated by a hotchpotch of top talks, insignificant exhibitions and books signed with a smile during Sant Jordi Festival, together with a fierce competitiveness of programming and counterprogramming, self-marketing and trends… And if we don’t jump on the mainstream bandwagon (What is it now? Irresponsible feminism? Harmless decolonialism? Political art window shopping?), the bandwagon of hypervisibility online and cultural competitiveness, not only will we live precariously (virtually all of us are already there) for the rest of our lives, but also isolated and very limited with regard to exchanges and dialogues. Ergo… we’re in trouble, aren’t we? Therefore, what are the remaining strategies to keep on intrinsically tying thinking with commitment, culture with emancipation policy?
Cúria Reial
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