Carles Riba was a poet, narrator, literary critic, translator and academic. His lyrical production includes, amongst other works, the first books of "Estances" (Abodes) in 1919, the second book of the same title (1930), "Tres suites" (1937), "Elegies de Bierville" (1943), "Salvatge cor" (Wild Heart) and "Esbós de tres oratoris" (Outline for Three Oratorios) both in 1953. He was a professor of Greek, a member of l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, and vice-president of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes. A supporter of the Republic, he went into exile in 1939. From this French exile and then later in Barcelona after his return in 1943, he translated classical works for the Bernat Metge Foundation, and eventually became its director. Obliged to stay out of public life, he nonetheless became a teacher and model for the coming generations. Amongst his translations, those of Homer's Odyssey, and works of Aeschylus, Hölderlin, Kavafis, Plutarch, Poe, Rilke and Sophocles are particularly noteworthy. He is remembered by the world of Catalan letters with a poetry prize in his name.
- Last updated: 2020-10-26
- Text main source: Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana
Les aventures d'Ulisses

- Carles Riba (author)
- 94 p.
- Catalan