Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 4th & 5th October 2025

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El fil invisible de la natura - Books

Laurus novilis
2018 Liberisliber Xic Textus Prize
Libros del Zorro Rojo
El fil invisible de la natura

Relats que despleguen histories increïbles —protagonitzades per granotes d’or, gats caiguts del cel, aranyes astronautes i escarabats que s’han guanyat una estàtua commemorativa— que destaquen la importància de l’ésser humà en la conservació de la Natura, convidant així a la reflexió per evitar futures catàstrofes.

Activities related to this book (El fil invisible de la natura):

imatge de Liberisliber Prizes > When the Great Mistery is Solved

Award ceremonies (publishers). Liberisliber Prizes > When the Great Mistery is Solved

To keep up with the tradition, on Saturday night we will know which wonderful books —due to their quality and heterodoxy— are the winners of the Liberisliber Xic Imago Prize, the Liberisliber Xic Textus Prize, the Liberisliber Pensa Prize, the Liberisliber Lira Prize and the Liberisliber Prize (Fiction). Place your bets!

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