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-10 %

All comics fans agree on the lack of theoretical publications devoted to the study of this medium, a situation that, to a certain extent, has been alleviated in recent years. However, at the theoretical level, the comic is still at a disadvantage compared to other media, considering the number of theoretical publications to which the reader can have access. With this idea, Ediciones Marmotilla has the sole purpose of publishing theoretical studies around the so-called ninth art. Theoretical studies where the publisher gives freedom to the author so that he contributes his vision about some works belonging to this form of artistic expression, or about the comic itself as a means of communication. The final objective is none other than to humbly contribute to the construction of a theoretical corpus about that art that we love so much.

* 10 % discount in the books presented at the fair.

  • Location: Alcalá de Henares
  • Phone: not available
  • Website: http://lamarmotilla.com
  • Cultivated literary genres:
    • Number of years participating in the fair: 1