Besalú 5th & 6th October 2024

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You can now check out the list of independent publishers and bookshops coming in 2020!

2020-09-21 BESALÚ. - Find the unknown factor: you can now check the name of the 65 independent publishers taking part in this year’s festival.

Perhaps one of the most asked questions: who is coming this year? No need to wait any longer. HERE’S THE LIST!

A special warm welcome to our new coming publishers: AUTOMÁTICA (Madrid), EDICIONES DEL SUBSUELO (Barcelona), KRILLER71 (Barcelona), L'ART DE LA MEMÒRIA (Avinyonet de Puigventós), LATA DE SAL (Madrid), LLIBRES DEL DELICTE (Barcelona), MAI MÉS (Barcelona), MALASTIERRAS (Madrid), OBSCURA (Barcelona), ORCINY PRESS (Cunit), VERDAGUER EDICIONS (Folgueroles), VIBOP (Alella) and WANAFRICA (Barcelona).

We invite you, our dearest audience, to get to know them through their websites -if you can’t wait any more or you’re an ocean away from Besalú- and of course during the fair, where you will be able to talk with their promoters about books, ideas and whatnot in an incomparable setting!