Besalú 5th & 6th October 2024

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Literary festivals and event series in Catalonia, Valencian Country and Balearic Islands

2020-07-03 The most complete listing of literary festivals and event series in these parts to be found (so far) on the web.

:::::::::: Located on the map and sorted by genre ::::::::::

Click on the icon below left to expand the list of literary festivals and events sorted by genre.

:::::::::: Sorted by month and town ::::::::::


Barcelona > [all year round] O.R.I.N.A.L. Obrador de Recitacions i Noves Actituds Literàries > Bar La Rubia > poetry

Barcelona > [all year round] ALCOOLS > Sala Beckett > contemporary poetry on stage

Cerdanyola del Vallès > [all year round] CAFÈ AMB LLETRES > Biblioteca Central de Cerdanyola > meet the authors

Tiana > TIANA NEGRA > Sala Albéniz / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Tiana > Catalan crime fiction


Barcelona > BCNegra > different venues > crime fiction

Barcelona > FLIC > different venues / produced by: Tantàgora > children’s and youth literature and arts

Girona > ARA POESIA > Casa de Cultura > poetry


Barcelona > KOSMOPOLIS > Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) > > international festival of amplified literature

Igualada > [until September] DE PELL SENSIBLE > Cal Granotes / sponsored by: Ajuntament d'Igualada > poetry and music

Lleida > [until June] VESPRES EN VERS > Cafè del Teatre de l'Escorxador / sponsored by: Paeria de Lleida > poetry

Oliva > POEFESTA > Teatre Olímpia / directed by: Àngels Gregori > poetry

Sant Feliu de Llobregat > SETMANA DE LA POESIA > different venues / produced by: La Mordida Literaria > poetry

Santa Coloma de Gramenet > [all spring round] PARAULA DE SANTA COLOMA > different venues > every literary activity organized by the town council


Barcelona > POESIA I COPES > Espai Mallorca / sponsored by: AELC > meet the authors

Girona / Olot > MOT > different venues / sponsored by: Olot and Girona town councils > literature by topics

Catalonia national parks > [until December] POESIA ALS PARCS > different venues > poetry and nature


Alella > ESPAIS DE POESIA > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament d'Alella > poetry

Barcelona > LITERAL > Fabra i Coats art and cultural centre / produced by: Cultura 21 > ideas and radical books festival

Barcelona > FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE POESIA DE BARCELONA > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Barcelona > international poetry

Folgueroles / Vallvidrera (Barcelona) > FESTA VERDAGUER > Fundació Jacint Verdaguer + MUHBA Vil·la Joana > poetry and folk tradition

Móra d'Ebre > LITTERARUM > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Móra d'Ebre > literary shows fair

Palma > FESTIVAL DE POESIA DE LA MEDITERRÀNIA > different venues / sponsored by: Fundació Mallorca Literaria > poetry from around the Mediterranean

Sant Sadurní d'Anoia > POESIA A LES CAVES > different venues / directed by: Santi Borrell > poetry readings in the town cava cellars


Binissalem > [until September] LA LLUNA EN VERS. FESTIVAL D'ESTIU > different venues / sponsored by: Fundació Mallorca Literària > poetry, theater and music

La Bisbal d'Empordà > INDILLETRES > Plaça del Castell > Empordà book festival

El Penedès (different towns) > FESTIVAL EN VEU ALTA > different venues / directed by: Jordina Biosca > storytelling and oral tradition


Artà > POÉSART > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament d'Artà > poetry

Caldes d'Estrac (anb different towns of Maresme) > POESIA I + > different venues / sponsored by: Fundació Palau > poetry and music

Cornudella de Montsant > JORNADA LITERÀRIA > different venues / directed by: Jesús Maria Tibau > meet the authors

Sant Joan de les Abadesses > [until August] FESTIVAL DEL COMTE ARNAU > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Sant Joan de les Abadesses > art performances around the legend of Count Arnau

Sant Pere de Casserres > ENCONTRES LITERARIS > Monestir de Sant Pere de Casserres / directed by: Víctor Pallàs > poetry

Santa Coloma de Farners > PARAULES NOCTURNES > Casa de la Paraula / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Santa Coloma de Farners > poetry

Sitges > FESTA DE LA POESIA > different venues / directed by: Cèlia Sànchez-Mústich and Joan Duran > poetry


Empordà (different towns) > POEMESTIU. FESTIVAL DE POESIA DE L'EMPORDÀ > Associació Cultural Poemestiu > poetry

Maó / Ciutadella > ILLANVERS > different venues > island poetry

La Mussara (Vilaplana) > MUSSART > deserted area of La Mussara (Prades mountains) > poetry and music


Badalona > POESIA I CIA > Associació Pont de Petroli > poetry

Barcelona > LA SETMANA DEL LLIBRE EN CATALÀ > Avinguda de la Catedral > Catalan language book festival

Igualada > MERCAT DE LLETRES > Biblioteca Central d'Igualada / Plaça de Cal Font > Catalan literature and reading promotion

Palafolls > POESIA ALS BARRACONS > Institut Font del Ferro > meet the authors


Barcelona > [until June] POETES IMPOSSIBLES > La Impossible Llibreters / directed by: Ricard Mirabete > poetry (monthly meeting)

Besalú > LIBERISLIBER > different venues / directed by: Miquel-Àngel Codes Luna > bibliodiversity festival

Manresa > TOCATS DE LLETRA > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Manresa > poetry

El Molar > PRIORAT EN PERSONA > Centre Quim Soler. La literatura i el vi > a return trip with authors to El Priorat, to know it and explain it

Sant Cugat del Vallès > FESTIVAL NACIONAL DE POESIA > Teatre-Auditori de Sant Cugat del Vallès / sponsored by: Institució de les Lletres Catalanes > poetry


Barcelona > FESTIVAL DE POLIPOESIA DE BARCELONA > Nau Ivanow > poetry and action

Barcelona > SETMANA DE L'ÀLBUM > different venues / sponsored by:¡Âlbum! > festival focused on illustrated album

Cardedeu > PAM! POESIA A MANTA! > different venues / sponsored by: Associació L'Esquellot > poetry

L'Hospitalet de Llobregat > FESTIVAL ACRÒBATES > different venues / produced by: Acròbates Cultura > poetry and music

Sant Just Desvern > NOVEMBRE LITERARI > different venues / sponsored by: Ajuntament de Sant Just Desvern > meet the authors


Àger > LA PORCELLADA > Local social de Àger > poetry

Latest update: 17-07-2020