Latest Releases to Be Found at the Fair
October is often a hectic month for the publishers, since many usually launch new titles. That’s why LIBERISLIBER frequently counts with a series of books fresh from the press, titles which haven’t been presented in public yet...
These are some of the releases (in alphabetical order) you will find this year:
1984: Un altre edèn by Paul Harding (transl. Marc Rubió) and Falsa-ratlla by Pau Sif.
A FIN DE CUENTOS: La Carolina i el llumí by Juan Kruz (ill. Belén Lucas).
BARLIN: Universos cercanos by Celia Cuenca; El bosque by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson (transl. Ana Flecha Marco) and Ballenas invisibles by Paula Díaz Altozano.
BARRETT: La habitación alemana by Carla Maliandi.
BLACKIE BOOKS: Quiero y no puedo by Raquel Peláez; Divina Comedia Liberada. Infierno by AAVV and Beetle, aprenent de Bruixa by Aliza Layne.
DOSMANOS: Vivero by A.C.Ponce.
EDICIONES DEL SUBSUELO: El ejemplo de Vasili Grossman by Shimon Márkish (transl. Manuel Ángel Chica Benayas) and David Cronenberg. Infecciones y mutaciones narrativas by Oriol Alonso Cano.
GARBUIX: L’evolució de l’home by Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu & Élizabeth Holleville (transl. Montserrat Terrones) and Aguachirri by Cati Baur (transl. Núria Molines).
JEKYLL & JILL: Vida de un pollo blanquecino de piel fina d'Andrés Pérez Perruca.
LAPISLÀTZULI: Japó. El llibre de les curiositats by Mercè Torra and Balena by Elies Barberà.
LIBROS DEL ZORRO ROJO: Hágase la luz by Liana Fink; Un mundo feliz by Aldous Huxley (ill. Cristina Daura) and Cartas a Vincent by Julio César Pérez.
LLIBRES DEL SEGLE: Aturar-te a dalt by Montserrat Rodés and De cos present by Carles M.Sanuy.
NÓRDICA: Maimai, el cargol d’en Târo by Aki Shimazaki (transl. Oriol Vaqué); Biblioteca pública by Ali Smith (transl. Magdalena Palmer) and Hermana by Jon Fosse (trad. Cristina Gómez Baguettum).
PERISCOPI: Només terra, només pluja, només fang, by Montse Albets.
PINTAR-PINTAR: Nos atrevemos a decir by Pepe Monteserín and Pablo Caracol and Bruja by Pablo Fraile Dorado and Antonio Aceba.
SALDONAR: Poemes de resistència, by Iannis Ritsos (transl. Pau Sabaté).
SÍMBOL: Catan. L'aliança secreta dels corbs, by Klaus Teuber (trad. Kàtia Pago and Lídia Alvárez) and L'ocell del far by Barroux (trad. Núria sales i Rovira).
VERSO: Matemáticas revolucionarias by Justin Joque.
VIBOP: Claudi by Lola Casas, with illustrations by Gibet Ramon and recipes by Claudi Uñó.
VIRUS: Entre el azar y la necesidad. Historia de una vida by Daniel Pont Martín and Ignacio González Sánchez and La sociedad contra el Estado by Pierre Clastres (transl. Francisco Madrid).