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Latest Releases to Be Found at the Fair

2017-09-15 BESALÚ. October is often a hectic month for the publishers, since many usually launch new titles. That’s why LIBERISLIBER frequently counts with a series of books fresh from the press, titles which haven’t been presented in public yet, i.e. THE LATEST AND MOST RECENT RELEASES!

These are some of the releases (in alphabetical order) you will find this year:

L'AVENÇ: La brigada del vidre. Cròniques del front (1936-1939) by María Campillo.

BELLATERRA: Ni yo princesa, ni tú rana by Anna Agulló and Laypanda; La madre más mala del mundo by Fátima Fernández and Cristina Vergara.

BRAU: Kentucky by Aniol Florensa.

COMANEGRA: A poc a poc by Víctor Sunyol and Olga Capdevila (illustration); Asja. Amor de dirección única by Roser Amills.

COMBA: El hijo del héroe by Karla Suárez; El hermano mayor by Daniel Mella (Premio Bartolomé Hidalgo a la mejor obra de Narrativa).

LA FUGA: Humor en serio. Una antología checa by Stanislaw Skoda (prologue).

GODALL: El paréntesis más largo by Tina Vallès and Gonzalo Torné (translation).

GREGAL: El crist obès by Larry Tremblay and L'últim color del dia by Pep Rovira.

JEKYLL&JILL: La coronación de las plantas by Diego S. Lombardi and Claudio Romo (illustration).

MOSAICS: El sembrador d'estrelles by Rodolfo del Hoyo and Laura Borràs (illustration).

LIBROS DEL ZORRO ROJO: Lost in translation again by Ella Frances Sanders; T’he escrit un missatge by Lizi Boyd.

SÍMBOL: Un anys als boscos by Henry David Thoreau and Giovanni Manna (illustration).

TAKATUKA: Sobre un raig de llum. Una història d'Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne & Vladimir Radunsky; Una muntanya qualsevol by Fran Pintadera & Txell Darné; L'elefantó tafaner by Loes Riphagen; La crida de l'aiguamoll by Davide Calì & Marco Somà and Nou maneres de no trepitjar un bassal by Susanna Isern & Maria Girón.