Desmuntant Societat Civil Catalana - Books
Sociedad Civil Catalana is born in 2014 to counterbalance the actions carried out by sovereigntist entities and to make the process towards the country independence more difficult. The journalist and photographer Jordi Borràs, implacable reporter of the most radical far-right world, goes through the opaque walls of this association.
Activities related to this book (Desmuntant Societat Civil Catalana):

Award ceremonies (publishers). Liberisliber Prizes > When the Great Mistery is Solved
To keep up with the tradition, on Saturday night we will know which wonderful books —due to their quality and heterodoxy— are the winners of the Liberisliber Xic Prize, the Liberisliber Pensa Prize, the Liberisliber Lira Prize and the Liberisliber Prize (Fiction). Place your bets!