Àngel Madrià, Núria Iceta and Toni Soler > Publishing magazines in paper and in Catalan in 2020 - Liberisliber

Besalú 3th & 4th October 2020

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CONVERSATIONS (publishers)

Àngel Madrià, Núria Iceta and Toni Soler > Publishing magazines in paper and in Catalan in 2020

imatge de  Àngel Madrià, Núria Iceta and Toni Soler > Publishing magazines in paper and in Catalan in 2020

Presented by: Jordi Nopca

Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Stage

Meet the participants

picture of Núria Iceta
Núria Iceta
picture of Àngel Madrià
Àngel Madrià
picture of Jordi Nopca
Jordi Nopca
picture of Toni Soler
Toni Soler

Videos and podcasts

In collaboration with: