Mohamad Bitari, Massinissa Ait and Biel Barnils > أنا_الذي_أنتم I am you. Six poets from Syria - Liberisliber

Besalú 5th & 6th October 2019

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Mohamad Bitari, Massinissa Ait and Biel Barnils > أنا_الذي_أنتم I am you. Six poets from Syria

imatge de  Mohamad Bitari, Massinissa Ait and Biel Barnils > أنا_الذي_أنتم I am you. Six poets from Syria
© aldask

Presented by: Mar Carrera

For years, Mohamad Bitari has been collecting texts by six Sirian poets, with the intention of publishing them: Raed Wahesh, Rasha Omran, Talal Bu Khadar, Abdul·lah Al-Hariri, Nisrín Akram Khouri and Wael Saadeddin. These poetic voices’ journey has finally crystallized into a book -Jo soc vosaltres. Sis poetes de Síria [I am you. Six poets from Syria]- which Bitari himself will present in Besalú accompanied by the publisher Mar Carrera, the rhapsodist Biel Barnils and the Berber musician Massinissa.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Stage

Meet the participants

picture of Massinissa Ait Ahmed
Massinissa Ait Ahmed
picture of Biel Barnils
Biel Barnils
picture of Mohammad Bitari
Mohammad Bitari
picture of Mar Carrera
Mar Carrera

Related books

Jo soc vosaltres. Sis poetes de Síria

Jo soc vosaltres. Sis poetes de Síria
  • Mohammad Bitari (edited by)
    Margarita Castells Criballés (translation)
  • 308 p.
  • Catalan

In collaboration with: