Andorrà, Bohigas and Pujadó say... > Marguerite Duras, always!

Marguerite Duras is an author who always “comes back”, recently thanks to several Catalan independent publishing houses: Club Editor, in 2010, with Moderato cantabile; LaBreu, in 2014, with La tarda del senyor Andesmas and Edicions Sidillà, in 2018, with La vida tranquil·la. Last September, Club Editor published La vida material, one of her last books, a non-fiction work, the result of her conversations with Jérôme Beaujour, an exercise she’d call “the motorway of the word”.
Taking these titles as a starting point, the three publishers will take the floor in order to explain and read “their” particular Duras.
* “All Ears” are the narrative readings at LIBERISLIBER. Can you imagine the author of your favourite book reading a chapter for you? Or a famous actress interpreting the very same story for you? And can you imagine all this in the inner courtyard of Can Llaudes, one of the most important samples of Romanesque Civil Architecture in the entire Catalonia? Stop imagining and come along!
Can Llaudes Medieval Courtyard (Plaça Sant Pere)
Antic Hospital de Sant Julià
Meet the participants