Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 7th & 8th October 2017

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Ehrenhaus - Manzano - Pujol - Chini > The Secret Formula of Humour: Full Disclosure

imatge de  Ehrenhaus - Manzano - Pujol - Chini > The Secret Formula of Humour: Full Disclosure

Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Cúria Reial

Meet the participants

picture of Andrés Ehrenhaus
Andrés Ehrenhaus
picture of Luigi Fugaroli
Luigi Fugaroli
picture of Manu Manzano
Manu Manzano
picture of Adrià Pujol Cruells
Adrià Pujol Cruells
picture of Chini You are So Overrated
Chini You are So Overrated

Related books

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Local Book
Local book
Laurus novilis
2017 Liberisliber Pensa Prize
La carpeta és blava

Videos and podcasts

In collaboration with:

  • La Fuga
  • Llibreria Calders