The Scrimmage with Arimany, Bombí-Vilaseca, Cucurella-Jorba, Dueso and Pena

Ladies and gentlemen, it is happening again. Choose your best outfit and get ready to attend the poetical fight of the century. Five pugilists-poets will get on the canvas-stage and a referee-master of ceremonies will ensure that everyone will do the right thing. You will see impossible knocks-words, intense rounds-verses, all in all, a sensational fight-poetical evening. As the old Budd said: “one has a promoter, the other one has a publisher; one has a manager, the other one has a literary agent; one has a trainer, the other one has a copy editor; but when the bell rings, everything becomes incidental: you are out there, naked and alone”.
Hear, hear! We have a knockout line-up: Gemma Arimany, Francesc Bombí-Vilaseca, Meritxell Cucurella-Jorba, Manel Dueso and Raquel Pena. Let the bell ring!
Meet the participants