M. Àngels Cabré and Anna M. Iglesia > Rescuing the feminist revolution - Liberisliber

Besalú 5th & 6th October 2019

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M. Àngels Cabré and Anna M. Iglesia > Rescuing the feminist revolution

imatge de  M. Àngels Cabré and Anna M. Iglesia > Rescuing the feminist revolution
© Fred W. McDarrah, 1970

Presented by: Eva Vázquez

Anna Maria Iglesia and M. Àngels Cabré have recently published two books very linked to the feminist revolution, a phenomenon evidently developed throughout history but nowadays still in need of being rescued for the collective memory.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Stage

Meet the participants

picture of M. Àngels Cabré
M. Àngels Cabré
picture of Anna Mª Iglesia
Anna Mª Iglesia
picture of Eva Vázquez
Eva Vázquez

Related books

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