Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 5th & 6th October 2019

ca es en


Toni Sala says... > Persecució

imatge de  Toni Sala says... > Persecució

Accompanied by the musical ensemble Arannà, and Eugenia Broggi, the book’s publisher, Toni Sala is coming to Besalú to present and read from one of the most commented books of the season.

* “All Ears” are the narrative readings at LIBERISLIBER. Can you imagine the author of your favourite book reading a chapter for you? Or a famous actress interpreting the very same story for you? And can you imagine all this in the inner courtyard of Can Llaudes, one of the most important samples of Romanesque Civil Architecture in the entire Catalonia? Stop imagining and come along!

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Can Llaudes Medieval Courtyard (Plaça Sant Pere)
  • si no fa sol... Antic Hospital de Sant Julià

Meet the participants

picture of ARANNÀ
picture of Eugènia Broggi
Eugènia Broggi
picture of Toni Sala
Toni Sala

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