IV Symposium on Publishing and Education > What defines a book nowadays?

Since 2015, GREPAI (Research Group on Education, Heritage and Intermedia Arts) and the Independent Publishers Book Fair Liberisliber organize an annual symposium discussing different aspects of the pairing publishing and education and the impacts and synergies generated by the work of both sectors.
This year the aim of the IV Symposium on Publishing and Education is to reflect about the book limits and transgressions.
What defines a book nowadays? How does it distinguish itself from a game or a work of art and which are the current synergies and hybridizations between the book and other culture offers? What’s the role of the publisher regarding these new book formats? How should teachers and students deal with them? Together with Bernat Cormand (author-illustrator and editor of Faristol magazine) and Lluís Sabadell (publisher at Cuscusian*s), we’ll explore this genre and discover new transgressions of the set parameters.
University of Girona, Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia, Assembly Hall, Pl. de Sant Domènec, 9, GIRONA
University of Girona, Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia, Assembly Hall, Pl. de Sant Domènec, 9, GIRONA
There will be a 10’ break at 5.20 p.m., followed by Lluís Sabadell Artiga’s workshop.
Meet the participants