3 I 4
3 I 4 (Paterna)
Editorial Meteora was founded in Barcelona in 2000 by M. Dolors Sàrries and Jordi Fernando. It came out with a collection of novels, “Fortuna’s papers”, and a second one of illustrated biographies called "Lives & legacies". Later "The [...]
[+]Piscina, un petit oceà is a publisher specialized in picture books of tales for all ages where we search for stories, words, pictures… and we turn them into books!
... [+]Tigre de Paper wants to be more than a publishing house, it intends to be a cultural project which develops critical thinking, weaves collective identity woven, and enrich the literary sector in Catalan language. Critical in substance, [...]
[+]Tushita Editions is a young publishing project, born in the midst of economic crisis (in the winter of 2011), fighting against the current, to find a place into the current literary scene, with a lot of enthusiasm and wanting to get a faithful [...]