Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 3th & 4th October 2020

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MEETINGS (teachers)

VI Symposium on Publishing and Education > Books about emotions to get you emotional

imatge de  VI Symposium on Publishing and Education > Books about emotions to get you emotional

Since 2015, GREPAI (Research Group on Education, Heritage and Intermedia Arts) and the Independent Publishers Book Fair Liberisliber organize an annual symposium discussing different aspects of the pairing publishing and education and the impacts and synergies generated by the work of both sectors.

Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... University of Girona, Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia, Assembly Hall, Pl. de Sant Domènec, 9, GIRONA
  • si no fa sol... University of Girona, Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia, Assembly Hall, Pl. de Sant Domènec, 9, GIRONA

Meet the participants

picture of Estrella Borrego
Estrella Borrego
picture of Karo Kunde
Karo Kunde
picture of Eva Martínez Pardo
Eva Martínez Pardo
picture of Mariona Masgrau
Mariona Masgrau

Videos and podcasts

In collaboration with:

  • Universitat de Girona