Besalú 5th & 6th October 2019

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Elisabet Riera, Valerie Miles, Matilde Martínez and Marta Nin > Vermoutry with Mr Nabokov!

imatge de  Elisabet Riera, Valerie Miles, Matilde Martínez and Marta Nin > Vermoutry with Mr Nabokov!

Presented by: Míriam Cano

This year’s vermoutry is not in verse, but it comes as a great celebration of a happy coincidence: two different publishers -Godall and Wunderkammer- have translated into Catalan and Spanish several texts by the great Russian author Vladimir Nabokov.

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Stage
  • atencio... Vermouth will be served among the audience.

Meet the participants

picture of Míriam Cano
Míriam Cano
picture of Matilde Martínez
Matilde Martínez
picture of Valerie Miles
Valerie Miles
picture of Marta Nin
Marta Nin
picture of Elisabet Riera
Elisabet Riera

Related books

Senyals i símbols

Senyals i símbols
  • Vladimir Nabókov (author)
    Marta Nin (translation)
  • 210 p.
  • Catalan

Sueños de un insomne

Sueños de un insomne
  • Vladimir Nabókov (author)
    Gennady Barabtarlo (edited by)
    Aurelio Major (translation)
    Valerie Miles (translation)
  • 216 p.
  • Spanish

In collaboration with: