Gemma Vilanova > An unexpected son and a sofa
1 fill inesperat i 1 sofà [An unexpected son and a sofa] is a story written in the first person by Gemma Vilanova, Josep’s mum, which allows us to step into her shoes and to understand how, with the passing of the years, the undreamed son because of the irruption of autism, the one able to extract the best and the worse of ourselves, becomes a key element to be happy in life.
* LIBERISLIBER WEB RADIO is the radio station of the fair, broadcasting from the courtyard of Can Llaudes (unique medieval palace located on the main square). Come and enjoy a secret marvellous location, listen to interesting live interviews within striking distance. For those who cannot make it, the podcast is available at the "Watch and listen!" section.
Presented by: Paco Inclán || In collaboration with: Gloria Briseño || Sound control: David Lemos
- Can Llaudes
- Can Llaudes
- Seating available for the audience
Meet the participants
Related books
1 fill inesperat i 1 sofà
- Gemma Vilanova (author)
Màrius Serra (prologue) - 200 p.
- Catalan