Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 5th & 6th October 2019

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A Fortunate Weekend!

imatge de  A Fortunate Weekend!
Join in and win a fantastic weekend!

As dictated by tradition, during the period around Goddess Fortuna’s Day, we offer you the chance to win a fortunate weekend in Besalú, to be precise the days of the fair (October 6th-7th). Isn’t it AMAZING? A fantastic dinner for two at Pont Vell Restaurant —with a view to the medieval bridge— and one night at the Tallaferro Hotel.

Simply follow are Facebook page and answer the question in the contest event: Boston or California? If you don’t use Facebook, tell us via email ( As easy as it gets!

Ladies and gentlemen, good luck!

WINNER: Aina Berenguer

  • atencio... Contest open until September 25th.

Useful links

In collaboration with:

  • Grup Cal Parent
  • Restaurant Pont Vell