Independent Publishers Festival & Fair
Besalú 6th & 7th October 2018

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Agustí Villaronga and Mireia Ros > Adaptation: from Book to Film

imatge de  Agustí Villaronga and Mireia Ros > Adaptation: from Book to Film

What’s the difference between a film coming from a new script and one adapting a book? Is it a disadvantage the fact that readers may have recreated the characters and the places in their imagination? How does a director approach a book? With reverence? As an additional source of inspiration? Do directors feel bound to be faithful to the chosen book? Which are the kitchen secrets to transform a book into a film? These and other questions will be answered by two prestigious directors who have been through this experience: Mireia Ros (with El triunfo [The Victory] by Francisco Casavella) and Agustí Villaronga (with Incerta glòria [Uncertain Glory] by Joan Sales).

  • rellotge...
  • si fa sol... Stage
  • si no fa sol... Cúria Reial

Meet the participants

picture of Anna Guitart
Anna Guitart
picture of Mireia Ros
Mireia Ros
picture of Agustí Villaronga
Agustí Villaronga

Videos and podcasts