Besalú 6th & 7th October 2012

ca es en

2012 The fair

Publishers 2012

Logo de Adesiara


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With the firm intention of working for the culture of the country, and pushing chrematistic interests into the background, we commit ourselves to the book in Catalan, attaching special importance to the incorporation to our language of some of [...]

Logo de Camacuc


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Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment... [+]
Logo de Fil d'aram


Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment... [+]
Logo de Lapislàtzuli


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Lapislàtzuli is a hard to find precious stone. We are born with the aim of finding the vein of lapis lazuli, a good handful of forgotten treasures or new authors either hidden or ignored.

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Logo de Pol·len


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Text/Information only available in Catalan and Spanish at the moment... [+]
Logo de Sidillà


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Edicions Sidillà was born in 2010 with the will to edit books in catalan. We publish narrative books as well of all kind of essay books, popular culture, legend books, everything that contributes to know and grow our culture and help everyone [...]

Logo de Takatuka


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Founded in 2008, we publish books on subjects that children and young people find in their everyday lives and world, and that help them to work out their issues and to develop their critical thinking with fun and imagination. We are [...]
